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Poka-Yoke Data Entry System

Double entry results in higher accuracy rates than single entry, visual checking, or partner read aloud (Barchard & Pace, 2008; Barchard & Verenikina, 2013; Kawado, Hinotsu, Matsuyama, Yamaguchi, Hashimoto, and Ohashi, 2003; Reynolds-Haertle & McBride, 1992). When data entry errors occur, they can have disasterous effects on the outcomes of statistical analyses.

Double Entry System

Poka-Yoke means “mistake proofing” in Japanese. A Poka-Yoke system makes it hard to make errors and easy to detect and correct them. Barchard and Pace (2010) created a free double entry system, using Excel, based upon the Poka-Yoke ideal. Barchard, Verenikina, and Pace (2013) expanded upon this system to include

  1. Highlighting that indicates the precise location of errors, with different colors for different types of errors
  2. A summary sheet that tells you the number of each type of error that remain in the dataset
  3. The ability to specify the precise entries that are allowed (e.g., Male and Female)
  4. Example files with brief descriptions
  5. Double-entry of the original data and double-checking of the corrections — so you know that the corrections were done right.

Poka-Yoke Double Entry System

Poka-Yoke PLUS Double Entry System


Barchard, K.A. & Pace, L.A. (2008).  Meeting the challenge of high quality data entry: A free double-entry system.  International Journal of Services and Standards, 4, 359-376. Email to request a copy of this paper.

Barchard, K.A., Pace, L.A., & Burns, S.S. (2009, May). Double entry: Accurate results from accurate dataPoster presented at the Association for Psychological Science convention, San Francisco, CA.

Barchard, K. A., & Verenikina, Y. (2013). Improving data accuracy: Selecting the best data checking technique.Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1917-1922.  doi:10.1016/j.chb.2013.02.021 Email to request a copy of this paper.


Barchard, K. A., Verenikina, Y., & Pace, L.A. (2013, Aug). Poka-Yoke Double Entry System Version 2.1.43.  Excel file that allows double-entry data entry with checking for mismatches, out-of-range values, and out-of-list values.

Barchard, K. A., Verenikina, Y., & Pace, L.A. (2013, Aug). EXAMPLE Poka-Yoke Double Entry System Version 2.1.43.  Excel file that summarizes and demonstrates how to use Poka-Yoke Double Entry System Version 2.1.43. 

Barchard, K. A., Verenikina, Y., & Pace, L.A. (2013, Aug). Poka-Yoke PLUS Double Entry System Version 2.1.43.  Excel file that allows double-entry data entry with checking for mismatches, out-of-range values, and out-of-list values, and allows the user to correct errors twice and ensure these corrections agree.

Barchard, K. A., Verenikina, Y., & Pace, L.A. (2013, Aug). EXAMPLE Poka-Yoke PLUS Double Entry System Version 2.1.43.  Excel file that summarizes and demonstrates how to use Poka-Yoke PLUS Double Entry System Version 2.1.43. 

Barchard, K. A., & Verenikina, Y. (2013, Aug). Instruction Manual for Poka-Yoke Double Entry System Version 2.1.43 and Poka-Yoke PLUS Double Entry System Verion 2.1.43.

Kawado, M., Hinotsu, S., Matsuyama, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Hashimoto, S., & Ohashi, Y (2003). A comparison of error detection rates between the reading aloud method and the double data entry method. Controlled Clinical Trials, 24, 560-569. doi:10.1016/S0197-2456(03)00089-8

Reynolds-Haertle, R. A., & McBride, R. (1992). Single versus double data entry in CAST Controlled Clinical Trials13, 487-494. doi:10.1016/0197-2456(92)90205-E