Psychological Measures
Barchard, K. A., Lapping-Carr, L., Westfall, R. S., Banisetty, S. B., & Feil-Seifer, D. (2018). Perceived Social Intelligence (PSI) Scales test manual. Unpublished psychological test and test manual. Observer report of 20 aspects of social intelligence of robots, with four items per scale. Available from
Benning, S., Barchard, K. A., *Westfall, S., *Brouwers, V., & *Molina, S. (2017). Meanness in Psychopathy: Self-Report – Long Form. Unpublished psychological test. Self-report measure of 26 aspects of psychopathy, with 4 additional validity scales. Ten items per scale. Available from
Benning, S., Barchard, K. A., *Westfall, S., *Brouwers, V., & *Molina, S. (2017). Meanness in Psychopathy: Self-Report – Short Form. Unpublished psychological test. Self-report measure of 26 aspects of psychopathy, with 4 additional validity scales. Three items per scale. Available from Stephen Benning at
Benning, S., Barchard, K. A., *Westfall, S., *Brouwers, V., & *Molina, S. (2017). Meanness in Psychopathy: Self-Report – SuperShort Form. Unpublished psychological test. Self-report measure of 26 aspects of psychopathy, with 4 additional validity scales. One item per scale. Available from Stephen Benning at
Barchard, K. A., & Knyazev, G. G. (2012). Russian adaptation of K. Barchard’s Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. Self-report measure of seven aspects of emotional intelligence. Published in Knyazev, Mitrofanova, Razumnikova, & Barchard (2012). Also available from Gennady Knyazev at
Barchard, K. A., Hurlburt, R. T., *Westfall, R. S., *Ullman, J., & *Day, T. (2012-2017). Item bank for Comprehending Behavioral Statistics (6th edition) by Russell Hurlburt. Contains 1586 items for 20 quizzes. Original (2012) version available as part of Personal Trainer 5.0 from Russell Hurlburt at Updated version (2017) available as part of Personal Trainer 6.0 as part of the online materials for Hurlburt, R. (2017). Comprehending Behavioral Statistics. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Barchard, K. A., Hensley, S., & *Anderson, E. D. (2011). Metaphors Test. Maximum-performance test of emotion perception. Available from Kim Barchard at Also published inBarchard, K.A., Hensley, S., *Anderson, E. D., & *Walker, H. E. (2013). Measuring the ability to perceive the emotional connotations of written language. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95, 332-342. doi:10.1080/00223891.2012.736906
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Responsive Joy. Self-report measure of the tendency to feel joy when in the presence of other people who feel joy. Available at
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Responsive Distress. Self-report measure of the tendency to feel distress when in the presence of other people who feel distress. Available at
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Empathic Concern. Self-report measure of the tendency to feel concern for those who are less fortunate than oneself. Available at
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Positive Expressivity Scale. Self-report measure of the tendency to express happiness, affection, and amusement nonverbally. Available at
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Negative Expressivity Scale. Self-report measure of the tendency to express sadness, anger, and fear nonverbally. Available at
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Attending to Emotions Scale. Self-report measure of the tendency to pay attention to emotions. Available at
Barchard, K. A. (2001). Emotion-Based Decision-Making Scale. Self-report measures of the tendency to base important life decisions on emotions rather than logic. Available at
* = Student